


security, economic security, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurial environment.


Introduction. The current state of enterprises in war can be described as extremely threatening and risky. The dynamism of market processes forces business entities to consider all potential and existing threats to make the right strategic decisions. External factors of the market environment are often characterized by asymmetry and periodic cyclicality, including economic downturns and depressive phases of stagnation.

The purpose of the article. The article aims to study various scientific approaches to ensuring economic security in the business sector in wartime.

Methods. The current state of enterprises in wartime is extremely threatening and risky. The dynamism of market processes requires business entities to consider all potential and existing threats to make the right strategic decisions. External factors of the market environment are often characterized by asymmetry and periodic cyclicality, including economic downturns and depressions.

Results. When considering the role and significance of microeconomic processes at the enterprise level, they should be understood as factors of macroeconomic reproduction at the state level, which is the result of entrepreneurial activity.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis, we can draw several general conclusions: The economic security of an enterprise is part of the country's national security and depends on many factors. Economic security is characterized by the ability of an enterprise to achieve stable operation by strategically eliminating and confronting threats and risks. It is proposed that economic security be considered a system of protection for the enterprise's activities from various negative factors of internal and external origin.

It also includes the ability of an enterprise to use various resources and approaches to eliminate risks and threats and achieve well-being. Achieving an adequate level of economic security is possible in the context of globalization and the European business development scenario. The essence of the economic security of enterprises is most fully revealed through economic and legal, information and technological, reproductive, and personal approaches.


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Entrepreneurship trade and exchange activities

How to Cite

2024. SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 3, 39 (Nov. 2024), 126–133. DOI: