Plagiarism Policy

One of the most important and imperative principles of editorial policy is to combat plagiarism and self-plagiarism.


Plagiarism is the dissemination of partial or wholesale scientific and/or creative results obtained by other persons as the result of their personal research or creative work and/or the reproduction of the published texts of other authors without specific acknowledgement of the authorship.


Self-plagiarism is the presentation of one’s own previously published research findings within a manuscript as if they were newly-obtained results.


The authors of an article must provide assurance that they have written a work which is completely original, and if the authors use the work and/or the words of other authors, this should be indicated appropriately by a footnote reference or else indicated within the text itself.


All the articles prepared for publication in the journal “Economic Journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University” are checked for plagiarism by the developer of the StrikePlagiarism service.


If plagiarism or textual borrowing is detected by editors or reviewers at any stage prior to the publication of a manuscript, the author(s) will be warned about the need to revise and correct the text or to provide a reference to the original source. If the plagiarism within an article amounts to more than 25%, the article will be rejected, and the author’s institution or employer will be informed of the fact.


Plagiarism in all forms constitutes unethical publicational behaviour and is inadmissible.


The presentation of the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time constitutes unethical publicational behaviour and is inadmissible.


If an instance of plagiarism is discovered after the publication of a manuscript, the editorial board will conduct an investigation into it. Depending on the scale of the plagiarism, the article may also be withdrawn or removed.