Submission Preparation Checklist
Structure of the article:
- On the left - UDC (size 12, regular font).
- Starting from the next line on the right, metadata (information about the author(s) of the article and its abstract), which are placed sequentially in Ukrainian and English and consist of parts
- information about the author (surname, name, academic degree, academic title, place of work or study (institution), structural unit, locality, ORCID ID 0000-0000-0000-0000, E-mail) (bold, size 10, single spacing, interval before 0, after 0); if there are several authors, the information about the next author is written in the same sequence through the line.
- Single-spaced title of the article (in the language of the article) (all caps, center alignment, bold, size 12, single spacing, before 0, after 0).
- Through the line - an abstract in Ukrainian (or in the language of the article), from 220 to 250 words, which clearly formulates the main idea of the article and justifies its relevance (width alignment, regular font, italics, size 10, single spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt). The following structure of the abstract is mandatory: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract in Ukrainian should be structured, concise, informative (without general words), and meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results).
- Through the line - keywords in Ukrainian (or in the language of the article) 5-8 words (width alignment, normal font, italics, size 10, single line spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt, interval before 0, after 0).
- Through the line - metadata in English: information about the author - alignment on the right edge (surname, name, academic degree, academic title, place of work or study (institution), structural unit, settlement) bold font, size 10, single spacing, interline interval before 0, after 0, if there are several authors, the information about the next author is written in the same sequence through the line.
- Single-spaced title of the article in English (all caps, center alignment, bold, size 12, single spacing); interval before 0, after 0).
- Through the line - an extended abstract in English (Abstract), which should be informative and original, should reflect the main content of the article and the results of the study, the volume of the abstract in English: at least 1800 characters with spaces. The abstract in English should actually reflect a brief summary of the article, its abstract, (width alignment, normal font, italics, size 10, single line spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt) and should consist of the following structural parts: Introduction; The purpose of the article; Methods; Results; Conclusions. The abstract in English should be written in accordance with the requirements of international scientometric databases, original (do not copy the Ukrainian-language abstract).
- Through the line - keywords in English 5-8 words (width alignment, normal font, italics, size 10, single line spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt, interval before 0, after 0).
If the language of the article is English (Polish), the abstract in the language of the article should be from 200 to 250 words, and the abstract in Ukrainian should be at least 1800 characters, including keywords.
After the annotation in English, the JEL Classification is indicated after 1 line (left alignment, bold, italics, size 10, single line spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt, interval before 0, after 0).
- The main text of the article, which should contain the following required elements (with highlighting in the text of the article):
- Introduction. In this section, the author outlines the scientific problem and its relationship with practical aspects or impact on other areas of socio-economic life; justification of the relevance of the chosen research topic.
- Literature review. This section should contain a review of the literature and existing relevant studies in the area chosen by the author, taking into account the global context, in particular, a review of literature sources of foreign authors is REQUIRED; this section should contain the scientific novelty of the manuscript, for example, unresolved problems in relation to previous studies.
- The purpose of the study. In this section, it is necessary to formulate the purpose and objectives of the study set by the author. The goal should be to solve a problem or gain knowledge about it. The purpose of the study focuses on its final result. The objectives reflect the questions that need to be answered to realize the research goal. To formulate the goal, it is advisable to use words such as establish, identify, develop, prove, etc.)
- Materials and methods of research. This section should contain a brief description of the research methods (methodology) and be sufficiently presented in such a way that other researchers can repeat the study and come to similar conclusions. The author may also briefly describe well-known methods with appropriate references to them and the mechanism of their use in this study. If any software/database was used to conduct the research, the name and version should be indicated, as well as the choice of a particular database should be justified.
- Research results. In this section, the research results should be presented in a logical sequence without interpretation. The presentation of the main research material involves the substantiation of the scientific results obtained, the research results involve statistical data processing, which should be presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams. The data displayed in the tables must be substantial, complete, and reliable. The results of the research must be analyzed. Do not use figures and tables where it would be better to display them as plain text.
- Discussion. This section is the most important element of a scientific article and should contain an interpretation of the results obtained and their comparison with the results of previous studies. The section should prove the correctness of the author's view as much as possible and explain the essence of the data obtained, assess possible contradictions and unexpected results, and suggest further areas of research.
- Conclusions and prospects for further research. This section should contain a brief summary of the research results, a comprehension and generalization of the topic, and prospects for future research. The conclusions should be concise, specific, substantiated, consistent with the purpose of the study and follow from the main content of the work.
Requirements for the text of the article. The volume of the main text of the article is approximately from 16000 characters (without spaces) to 25000 characters (without spaces). Text materials should be prepared in MS Word (*.doc). Page parameters: format - A4, margins - 2.5 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the right, 2 cm at the top and bottom, without headers and page numbering. The font of the main text is: Times New Roman, size 11, regular, lines without hyphens. Paragraph parameters: alignment - by width; line spacing - 1.0; first line indentation - 0.75 cm.
- Through the line after the main text - Sources and literature (font size 10, bold, interval before 0, after 0).
- Through the line - a list of references (size 10, normal, single spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 cm) compiled in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description (DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules for compilation"). All sources from the list of references (approximately 8-15 sources) must be cited in the text of the article, otherwise the corresponding element should be deleted. Bibliographic references should be made as follows: for one source - [1, p. 4], for several sources - [4, p. 55; 10, p. 15]. It is also possible to cite a source without indicating the page if it is a general reference. If the referenced article has a doi (, it must be indicated. References to unpublished works are not allowed. The list of references should contain a sufficient number of modern (for the last five years) sources on the research problem. The number of sources is not less than 10 and not more than 20. The list should include scientific articles by Ukrainian and foreign authors. SELF-CITATION IS NOT ALLOWED. The names of sources in the bibliography are placed in the order of citation in the text. It is not allowed to list the names of scientists! In order to improve the scientific level of the article, you should refer to foreign scientific sources and periodicals that belong to the leading international scientometric databases (SCOPUS. WEB OF SCIENS, etc.)
- Through the line after the list of references - References, (size 10, bold, interval before 0, after 0).
- Through the line - a list of Cyrillic sources in transliterated form (font size 10, regular, single spacing, paragraph indentation 0.75 pt); using transliteration and its translation into English, where the same sources are placed, are drawn up according to the international bibliographic standard APA ( The names of Cyrillic sources are transliterated, followed by the translation in square brackets.
- Online converter: (Passport CMU 2010).
The number of tables and illustrations should be appropriate. The serial number of the table is aligned on the right edge (for example: Table 1), the title of the table is printed above the table in the middle in bold, Times New Roman, size 11, spacing 1, (for example: Calculation of indicators for assessing investment profit).
Table content, digital material is presented in regular font, Times New Roman, size 11, spacing 1, alignment of vertical column headings is in the middle, alignment of the main part of the table (rows and columns) is in the width.
The format of the tables is book format only.
A figure should be a single graphic object (i.e., grouped). For figures made in Excel, you should send an Excel file (97-2003) in addition to the article. Illustrations should also be numbered; they should have names that are indicated outside the grouped graphic object (for example: Fig. 1. Classification of residual profit indicators). The illustrative material must be in contrasting black and white, the method of filling in the diagrams is dashed).
Formulas (with standard numbering) are executed in the Microsoft Equation editor. Figure and formula captions must be editable. All graphic objects must not be scanned.
It is necessary to distinguish between hyphens (-) and dashes (-), as well as to use quotation marks of the following format “” (“text”).
A text fragment may be italicized (underlining is not allowed).
Citations, tables, illustrations, and all digital data should be provided with required citations to sources. Each table and figure should be cited with a source (e.g., Source: Author's own development). The font used for the source should be Times New Roman, 9-point, regular.
The use of unexplained abbreviations and terms introduced for the first time is unacceptable. All abbreviations must be deciphered at the first use.
Compliance with the requirements is mandatory!
The author is responsible for the content of the article!
To submit an article for publication in the journal “Economic Journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University”, please send it to the editorial office at
1) Name_article.doc
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