


educational program, general competencies, professional competencies, learning outcomes, marketing.


Introduction. The integration of Ukraine into the European spaces of higher education is designed to change national higher education and educational programs. Adequate design of educational programs in universities will contribute to the real implementation of the competence approach; transition from subject-centeredness to student-centeredness; ensuring comprehensibility and comparability of learning outcomes and creating a reliable basis for global and European integration.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to clarify the requirements for the formation of competencies and learning outcomes as the main categories of the educational program in accordance with European standards.

Metods. A systematic analysis of the concept of student-centered learning, the main categories of which are general and professional competences, made it possible to investigate the process of designing the Marketing educational program. With the help of analysis and synthesis, the program learning outcomes for the Marketing program are divided into elements, where each is analyzed separately with their subsequent combination into a single concrete integrity.

Results The formation of a high-quality OP requires taking into account external and internal factors of ensuring its quality and developing a system for evaluating the quality of the educational program with the aim of improving it. First of all, the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in specialty 075 Marketing for the first level of higher education needs improvement. Also, it is important to check the OP's compliance with the basic conditions, the value of the program from an academic point of view, taking into account the university's resources.



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Entrepreneurship trade and exchange activities

How to Cite

2024. DESIGNING THE MARKETING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 2, 38 (Jun. 2024), 119–126. DOI: