
  • Oleksandr Leonov Odesa National Maritime University
  • Tetiana Leonova Odesa National Maritime University



self-management, time management, self-management technologies, personnel self-management model, self-management competencies


The article examines the specifics of the formation of the paradigm of modern self-management under the influence of intensive changes in the economy, technologies and organizational structures of enterprises, as a result of which professional self-management becomes a key element of a successful career and personal development of a manager. Modern paradigms of professional self-management, including time management, the use of technologies and the development of competencies necessary for effective self-management in the work process, were studied. It was determined that time management is an important component of successful self-management, as it allows an employee to effectively allocate time and resources necessary to achieve set goals. Modern approaches to time management are analyzed, including the "Getting Things Done" technique and the use of various software and hardware tools designed to increase labor productivity. Modern self-management technologies, which include the use of various programs and platforms for tracking goals, developing skills, and maintaining a balance between professional responsibilities and personal life, have been studied. The important role of modern digital and information technologies, such as mobile applications and cloud services, in increasing the efficiency of self-management processes has been proven. It has been proven that the model of personnel self-management determines not only the way the organization functions effectively, but can also be used for team management. Modern approaches to personnel management are considered, including agile management and horizontal organizational structure, which stimulate active participation and responsibility of employees for their own development. Key self-management competencies such as self-regulation, planning, decision-making, and communication are identified. It has been proven that modern paradigms of professional self-management are determined by time management, the use of digital technologies and the model of personnel self-management, which is why the development of relevant competencies becomes a key task for achieving success in the modern market environment.


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2024-01-23 — Updated on 2024-01-23


How to Cite

2024. MODERN PARADIGMS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 3, 35 (Jan. 2024), 122–128. DOI: