заклади сфери гостинності, конкурентоспроможність, менеджмент конкурентоспроможності, системний підхід.Abstract
Introduction. Understanding the essence of competitiveness management and identifying its main components will allow to develop effective strategies and approaches to management of hospitality establishments. This will open up opportunities for attracting and retaining customers, improving the quality of services and forming competitive advantages of hospitality establishments. The study of this problem can also contribute to the development of new tools to support the competitiveness of hospitality establishments.
The purpose of the article is to develop scientific approaches to determining the essence of the management of the competitiveness of hospitality establishments and the content of its components.
Results. The article substantiates the need and features of the formation of a competitiveness management system for hospitality establishments. Approaches to determining the essence of competitiveness, management of competitiveness are analyzed. Systemic, process, functional, and situational approaches were considered for the formation of meaningful content of competitiveness management. This made it possible to develop a structural diagram of the management system of the competitiveness of hospitality establishments, which includes such components as the purpose, objects, subjects, subject, principles, functions and the corresponding mechanism. The competitiveness management system is considered as a set of subsystems, as well as processes and communications between them, the interaction of which ensures the effective functioning of the enterprise in a competitive environment, its stable and safe development in the future due to the constant development of the potential of hospitality establishments. Functional and process approaches in the formation of competitiveness management are also detailed, which has more practical significance and involves the allocation of general and specific functions and successive stages of their implementation in the main functional areas of management (marketing, financial, innovation, project, personnel and quality management).
Conclusions. The competitiveness of hospitality establishments is determined by their ability to satisfy the needs of customers in high-quality products and services, while ensuring the efficient use of resources and achieving a sustainable financial result. Competitiveness management is a priority in the general management system of organizations, as it determines their ability to ensure the conditions for the successful functioning of hospitality establishments in a competitive environment and create competitive advantages that will ensure growth in the future.
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