The Results of the Social Innovation Introduction Process Capitalization of Human Potential in Various Sectors and Industries


  • Petro Korenyuk Dniprovsk State Technical University
  • Olga Bilskaya Dniprovsk State Technical University



human potential, human capital, interdependence, capitalization of human potential, sectors and industries, the destruction of the prospects


Examines the processes occurring in national economy in the modern period and relate to the update of its organizational and technological basis for the change of human social-reproductive process that identificireba with human capital.

The essence of human capital as a complex education of human potential and the result of its capitalization in a production environment. Reasonably the phase of formation of human potential and human capital, as well as the mechanism of their interdependence and interconversion through their life cycle. Because the ability to work in socially useful activities is realized through the employment of her assessed in the context of the transition to a market economy based on competition. On the basis of official statistical information calculated changes that took place in sectors of the national economy in the context of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of persons seeking to capitalization of individual human potential. It is established that the characteristic feature of Ukrainian reality is a permanent state of backwardness from the achievements of the EU in the capitalization of human potential.
Sphere of privileged individuals to capitalize on their individual human potential is the service sector. It is proved that the completion of jobs in the service sector due to the release of human potential owners of the industries, but under the influence of external rather than internal factors. The estimation of these changes in the aspect of compliance with the concept of the innovative development. It is established that changes in the industry structure of industrial production are without focusing on the segment that really could make the transition to innovative development, namely in the manufacturing industry. According to calculations the specific gravity of the industries of machine-building complex, chemical and petrochemical, food and light industry in the total number of jobs, suitable for the capitalization of the human potential for 19902015. decreased. It is established that the industry is focused on the innovative development model is not set up to attract individuals with initially high level of human potential. Selected kinds of economic activities, which involved mainly young people and persons of pre-retirement and retirement age for capitalization are not always relevant professional direction of their educational potential. Most critical in ensuring business continuity highly intelligent individual human capital is considered as the plane of contact, namely «human potential – the kind of economic activities, providing innovative development». States need to rethink the logic and compliance with sectoral and sectoral transformations on the possibilities of human potential capitalization needs of economic growth on an innovative basis.



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How to Cite

2023. The Results of the Social Innovation Introduction Process Capitalization of Human Potential in Various Sectors and Industries. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 1, 9 (Feb. 2023), 51–58. DOI: