
  • Lubоv Lіpyсh Lutsk National Technical University
  • Оksаnа Khіlukhа Lviv University of Business and Law
  • Myroslаvа Kushnіr Ukrаіnіаn Саtholіс Unіvеrsіty
  • Iryna Volynets Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



internal communication, communication system, intercultural barriers, intercultural differences, groups of intercultural barriers


Introduction. Today, communication is considered an integral part of the company's management. The aim of the work is to analyze the activities in the field of internal communication, to minimize communication barriers arising from cultural differences.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities in the field of internal communication, to minimize communication barriers that arise due to cultural differences.

Results. It is established that intercultural communication is a process of communication (verbal and nonverbal) of people (groups of people) belonging to different national linguistic and cultural communities, usually using different identical languages, experiencing linguistic and cultural "foreignness" of communication partners, having different communicative competence can cause communication failures or culture shock in communication.

It is substantiated that the communication barrier is an obstacle that is the reason for the difficulty of exchanging information during the dialogue. Three groups of intercultural barriers have been identified: those related to national culture (political, religious, cultural stereotypes, prejudices, social ethnocentrism), organizational (features of corporate governance, features of corporate culture, level of cultural hatch, features of activities) and personal (ethnocentric attitudes, errors of perception, little experience of international work, individual traits, low level of cultural intelligence, low level of cultural competencies). Intercultural barriers can lead to different interpretations of the same concepts, and this will affect the effectiveness of the conversation. To reduce or eliminate this negative phenomenon, the analysis of cultural differences should be conducted on four levels: cultural identity, cultural self-perception, perception of other cultures, the search for points of contact in culture to facilitate communication.

Conclusions. It has been proven that the creation of a comprehensive internal communication system that takes into account and minimizes cultural barriers can improve the functioning of international corporations at many levels. The choice of tools for internal communication depends on the size of the company, the type and scope of activities and its financial capacity. Extensive experience and different personalities of members of multicultural teams require professional managerial skills.



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How to Cite

2022. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 2, 30 (Jun. 2022), 12–19. DOI: