


corporate culture, organizational changes, staff motivation, individualization, team, values


Nowadays, the social and economic development of society has a clear focus on the growth of innovation, efficiency and competitiveness. Only employee, who possesses creative potential and the ability not only to reproduce their own workforce, but also to self-development, becomes a personalized asset for the organization and a determining factor in the success of society and each separate enterprise. Today,  the attention is paid to the person who is considered a key resource of the company, and conditions for the realization of his/her potential and ability to work effectively are created.

Corporate culture is one of the most effective means of attracting and motivating employees of any commercial enterprise, which brings to it a very specific material result. In order to increase productivity of  trade enterprises in market economy, it is necessary to improve not only quantitative indicators of their activities, but also qualitative, to develop a corporate culture, which is the key to profitability and competitiveness of modern enterprises.

The main purpose of the article is to find conceptual factors for improving the corporate culture of a commercial enterprise and also the analysis of corporate culture as a basis to increase of labor productivity.

The article establishes that corporate culture is a specific product of activity and development of the enterprise, that is performed in the system of  ​​used values, which are shared by all staff due to purposeful actions of the management to implement united cultural stereotypes. The factors, which influence the formation of corporate culture, are systematized. The principles of formation of corporate culture are generalized, which allows to carry out organizational changes by observing them, without causing rejection and opposition to them in the personnel.

It is proved that nowadays the most likely vector of necessary organizational changes in the activity of domestic trade enterprises is the transformation from technocratic management to organizational democracy, which provides increasing of the  organizational efficiency based on the development of self-organization and self-managemant. It was found that corporate culture is the most important factor of any change in commercial enterprises.


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How to Cite

2020. CORPORATE CULTURE AS A KEY FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TRADE ENTERPRISE. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 2, 22 (Jun. 2020), 114–120. DOI: