


mechanism of diversification, decentralization, rural development, united territorial community, subject of mechanism, object of mechanism


The relevance of this study is due to the fact that in terms of decentralization the opportunities for rural development are expanding. The purpose of the article is to develop a mechanism for diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization. It is justified that the mechanism of diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization implies the introduction of special tools and methods aimed at optimizing the structure of this process, while focusing on improving the quality of life of the rural population; ensuring the competitiveness of rural areas and achieving environmental security. It is proved that the development of the mechanism of diversification of rural development should be carried out taking into account strategic directions and analysis of the socio-ecological and economic development of rural territories. It is determined that the object of diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization is the socio-ecological and economic development of rural territories. The subjects of diversification of rural development are included state authorities; local governments; rural population; legal and natural persons; other subjects. It is substantiated that the diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization is possible in the presence of regulatory, scientific and methodological, financial, institutional and other types of resources. There are four groups of instruments for diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization: social, economic, environmental and organizational. It is noted that the mechanism of diversification of rural development should be implemented through the development of a national strategy for diversification of rural development, participation in national and international projects, improvement of existing rural development programs. It is determined that the methods and instruments of diversification of rural development in terms of decentralization should be flexible and adapt to the socio-ecological and economic development of specific rural territories of Ukraine. It is proved that all the methods and tools of this mechanism should be correlated with each other, since only in the complex they will contribute to the complex development of rural united territorial communities.


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How to Cite

2019. MECHANISM OF DIVERSIFICATION OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF DECENTRALIZATION. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 3, 19 (Sep. 2019), 112–120. DOI: