Integral Еvaluation of Тhe Financial Enterprise Competitiveness: Theoretical and Practical Aspects


  • Olena Stashchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



competitiveness, financial competitiveness, integrated assessment, criteria for assessing competitiveness


The article analyzes the scientific approaches to understanding the concept of «competitiveness» and determined that one of its components is the financial competitiveness. The authors noted that the financial competitiveness is determined by financial stability, solvency, capital turnover rate, profitability and return on sales of goods and profitability of assets of business entities. The paper formulates basic financial characteristics typical enterprise competitiveness and generalized method of estimation of the integral index of competitiveness of businesses. An integrated analysis of financial competitiveness of the food industry and identified indicators that affect the effective rate.


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How to Cite

2016. Integral Еvaluation of Тhe Financial Enterprise Competitiveness: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 3, 7 (Nov. 2016), 98–103. DOI: