Using Cluster Analysis for the Research of the Demographic Situation in Regіone


  • Svitlana Begun Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



cluster analysis, demographics, population reproduction, clustering, statistical methods, demographic processes, cluster, taxonomy, pattern recognition


In the article the clusterization of regions of the Volyn region in 2014 was carried out on the basis of general coefficients of birth-rate and death rate, of coefficient of феминизации, of amount of marriages and of general coefficient of migratory increase. Аnalytical and graphical possibilities of application of programmatic package of STATISTICA 6.1 were shown for realization of multidimensional groupment at the analysis of demographic processes of separate region of country. Dendrogramof the regions of Volyn region in terms of reproduction of the population in 2014 was built. The main descriptive statistics for each formed cluster were described.


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How to Cite

2016. Using Cluster Analysis for the Research of the Demographic Situation in Regіone. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 2, 6 (Jul. 2016), 122–128. DOI: