Theoretical Analysis of the Essence and Constituent Definitions of «Agrarian Sphere»


  • Iryna Tsymbaliuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Liliia Rykovska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



agrarian sphere, agrarian sector, agriculture, structure of agrarian sphere, state agrarian policy, state regulation of agrarian sphere., аграрна сфера, аграрний сектор, сільське господарство, структура аграрної сфери, державна аграрна політика, державне регулювання агарної сфери.


The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and structure of the agrarian sphere, to
generalize the terms «agrarian sphere» and «agricultural sector» and to reveal the relationship of the agrarian sphere
with other related categories.
The article defines the role of the agrarian sphere as a component of the national economy. The essence of the concept
«agrarian sphere» is revealed and the theoretical analysis of other related agrarian categories: «agrarian sector», «agroindustrial
complex» and «agriculture» are carried out. The analysis of the correlation of the concepts «agrarian sector»
and «agrarian sphere», the differences between them are determined.
The author’s vision for the definition of «agrarian sphere» is given. The basic components of it are grouped according
to the criteria of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of state regulation of the agrarian sphere development.
The peculiarities of the development of the agrarian sphere of Ukraine, the existing imbalances in its structure are
outlined, prospects for further changes are outlined. The definitions of the structure of the agrarian sphere according to
different approaches are given. The necessity of revitalization of large specialized agricultural enterprises and deepening of
agroindustrial integration have been substantiated.
The role of state regulation of the development in agrarian sphere is determined. The principles of state regulation
are outlined and the directions of its implementation are outlined in order to ensure the development of the agrarian sphere.
Key words: agrarian sphere, agrarian sector, agriculture, structure of agrarian sphere, state agrarian policy, state
regulation of agrarian sphere.


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How to Cite

2018. Theoretical Analysis of the Essence and Constituent Definitions of «Agrarian Sphere». Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 4, 12 (Feb. 2018), 13–19. DOI: