The use of Crypto-currency in Formation of Modern Land Cadastre


  • Anatoliy Sokhnych Lviv National Agrarian University



land resources, management, land cadastre, crypto-currency, market price-setting, property right


The article determines the choice of currencies which will be used in calculation of land assets. It grounds the necessity of evaluating land resources in Bitcoin crypto-currency which will guarantee their sufficient increase under conditions of national production stagnation. It stresses the necessity of formation of fundamentally new system of management of national economy and, in particular, land resources on the basic of Blockchain technology which will guarantee the
reduction of buying-and-setting iteration and transparency of market price-setting. The use of the renewed system of management will allow to reduce risks of bankruptcy and illegal manipulations in the process of transfer of property rights for land resources.


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How to Cite

2017. The use of Crypto-currency in Formation of Modern Land Cadastre. Economic journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 1, 9 (Mar. 2017), 117–123. DOI: